The MAC address will be found under “Internet Port”. Under “Maintenance”, click “Router Status”. Find “Maintenance” on the left side of the admin page.Alternatively, from the Roku home screen, select Settings > About.The mac address is printed on the bottom or back of the Roku player.The mac address will be listed as “Ethernet Address” Printed on the underside of the adaptor is the MAC -Device Type.Remove the GameCube’s broadband adapter from the console.Scroll to the right to Wii System Settings 2.MAC Address in the right side of the page.Select Settings > Network > AdvanceYou will see the Wired/wireless.Reach the main menu screen, navigate to My Games & Apps.Select “Fix It” to use the troubleshooter to diagnose the issue, and It will show you the MAC address.Run through the system setup like you normally would, and let it fail.If you have been signed into your profile on the Console following to locate it without registering your device.If you have the first time to turn on an Xbox One device, you could try the.At the bottom of this screen you'll see a heading called Wired MAC Address. From Additional Settings, select Advanced Settings. Go to the System area of the Xbox Dashboard and select Network Settings.The 12-digit number at the bottom-right corner of the Network Settings screens is the MAC address of your Xbox console.From the Connect Status screen, select Settings.

From the PS3 main menu screen, follow these steps: PlayStation 3 : To find the MAC address of your Sony PlayStation 3 you will need the Network Adaptor connected to the PS. While you are at this screen, make note of the MAC address at the bottom. At the "Advanced Broadband Settings" screen, make sure "Automatic" is selected.